
eBay : mieux que la Samaritaine !

Tout et n'importe quoi est en vente sur eBay. Les cadeaux de Noël qu'on n'a pas aimé, des avions militaires, et maintenant une lune de miel aux Caraïbes... avec un parfait inconnu ! Je ne sais pas si Reuters nous donnera la suite de l'histoire... Mais moi, je pourrais bien l'inventer ,-)

For sale on eBay: dream holiday with a stranger

Source : Reuters - 28/12/2006

LONDON (Reuters) - Wanted: Young single woman in need of cut price romantic Caribbean holiday. The vacation for two is on sale on Internet site eBay for just a fraction of its 2,400 pound ($4,700) value.

But here's the catch -- it comes with a companion.

Adam Croot, who had planned the holiday to propose to his partner, was dumped by her just weeks ago. But rather than lose the money on the non-refundable flights and hotel deposit, the 39-year-old decided to go anyway and find another woman to join him, for a payment of 642 pounds ($1,259).

"Many of my friends would say, 'that is just too high a price to pay' but what the hell, nothing ventured, nothing gained," Croot said on eBay.
The rules of the Couples Swept Away resort and spa at Negril, Jamaica, state it is for heterosexual couples only, so he cannot go alone, or with a male friend on the week-long break in February. He has also laid down some ground rules, such as not wishing to go with anyone old enough to be his granny, nor with anyone "who has a jealous husband" because he likes his arms and legs "where they are".

Croot has had more than 2,500 "hits" from people viewing his eBay page, which includes reviews of the resort and pictures of himself.

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